science and tech


Science and technology have been shaping our world for centuries, from the invention of the wheel to the development of the internet.

Videos can be used to show us how new technologies work, to explain complex scientific concepts, and to demonstrate the potential of new inventions. They can also help us to visualize the impact that science and technology have on our lives, giving us a better understanding of the world we live in.

Bio-Heritgae NZ needed a rally call to raise awareness of the issues facing New Zealand, and their organisation. We developed the concept and script, before taking care of all pre-production, filming & editing.


Some of our science and technology partners are Crown Research Institutes such as AgResearch, Landcare Research, Bio-Heritage NZ.

We’ve also created content for Vodafone, Wisk and Myovolt - so we’ve plenty of experience to deliver the video solution you need.